All In - Pathways to Generosity
Click here to make your 2025 Generosity Goal.
If Melissa UMC is your church home, then you've likely received some material in the mail with information about Pathways to Generosity. Growing in our generosity is an important step in our faith. Click here to see the steps in the generosity pathway and choose which step is right for you.
Your money matters as Melissa United Methodist continues to grow. Thank you for your generosity which changes lives and spreads God’s light in Melissa and surrounding communities.
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Melissa UMC
3851 McKinney St.
Melissa, TX 75454
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"Sharingtheheart MUMC" to 73256
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Melissa UMC's Statement of Generosity
Jesus said, “I came that they may have life - indeed, so that they could live life to the fullest.” John 10:10
Sometimes we think lives that are full are full of stuff. But the kind of life Jesus was talking about is different than that. Living fully and living a life that matters has much to do with how we use what we have been given and what we earn. The difference we make in the world around us is impacted by our desire to hang on to our resources (money, time, energy, talents, etc.) or to GIVE GENEROUSLY to those around us.
Giving generously is not about giving away tons of money (unless you have a ton of money). Giving generously is about adopting a lifestyle of living in a way that shares what God has given to you with the world.
In each of our lives, there are people who have invested generously in us. Maybe a parent or grandparent helped to pay for your tuition. Maybe a boss or co-worker invested money in training you for a new skill to help you grow. Maybe a pastor or friend believed in you during a tough time and found a way to help make ends meet. Maybe you have invested financially in someone because you believed what was possible and felt God stirring something inside of you to give generously.
Generosity has a Biblical foundation that leads us to offer regular and intentional gifts to the church. At Melissa UMC, we have regularly prayed Jacob’s words in Genesis 28:20-22: “Jacob made a solemn promise: ‘If God is with me and protects me on this trip I’m taking and gives me bread to eat and clothes to wear, and I return safely to my father’s household, then the LORD will be my God. This stone that I’ve set up as a sacred pillar will be God’s house, and of everything you give me I will give a tenth back to you.” Genesis 28:20-22.
Tithing is a Biblical concept of giving 10% of everything you have been given to God’s work through the church. The concept of tithing comes with many questions. Do you tithe 10% of your gross or net income? What if you care about and give to a charitable cause outside the church? Does this count towards God’s 10%? You can ask a million questions about tithing in the church, but the heart of the matter might be summarized in these two statements:
The Bible teaches us to tithe, just like Jacob.
You determine when and how to grow in your giving.
Your generosity journey might look like this:
GIVE a regular and intentional financial gift to the church
COMMIT to giving a specific percentage of your income
PRACTICE increasing your giving by 1% of your income or more
TITHE giving 10% of your income and consider sharing your story
SURPRISE giving more than 10% of your income, more than you thought you could
Have more questions about tithing, how funds are used at Melissa UMC, or about giving to the church's ministry? Email Pastor Chad: to start a conversation. She’ll be happy to talk with you.